Seeking Pleasure, The ultimate aim

“Seek pleasure”, according to psychologists all our actions, every single one of them without exception whatever we do is governed by what is called the pleasure pain principle. It is human nature to seek whatever brings pleasure to ones self and avoid what brings pain. Our actions are all governed by the ultimate aim of seeking pleasure.Who seeks pleasure in this world?, everyone,every single human being seeks pleasure.

Several ways of Seeking Pleasure..

In seeking pleasure a spendthrift throws his money away, a miser hoards it both do the opposite but for the same reason,”to find happiness ,to seek pleasure.” Those who commit suicide try to find pleasure in death. To them to continue to live is intolerable and painful.There is also the example of a mother who sacrifices for the sake of child because it gives her certain pleasure. Students do not sleep and study for the exams so as to enjoy the pleasure of getting succeeded in the exams later. People undergo serious diet restrictions take strenuous  exercises, spend hours in beauty salon only  to appear beautiful or handsome so that they may impress upon those whom they wish to please and thus gain satisfaction in doing so and seek pleasure. The soldiers march ahead in the face of enemies  and enemy bullets because they cannot suffer the pain of being dubbed as cowards, then there is also the pain of facing a court martial. It is the theory of seeking pleasure which makes all of us do, what we are doing. Even it is my way of seeking pleasure by making the website It’s my mean to seek pleasure.

Offer Brightness, Sunshine, Success

When we wish to influence and motivate others, help them to get them their pleasure and don’t let them to experience unpleasantness by meeting you. One must offer brightness,  sunshine, success, thrills, adventures, power, recognition, name, fame, health, wealth, and happiness instead of misery, gloom and sufferings. If one is pleasant, courteous, well planned, well mannered considerate, warm, sympathetic and trusting giving instead of taking, offering instead of demanding, optimistic instead of pessimistic,  others will find him a source of pleasure and seek out his company. It is for seeking pleasure that everyone is doing his or her duty. Always avoid causing pain and try to add to an individual’s pleasure and you will find yourself to be the most successful leader. Think for a second before you act and ask yourself whether your word or deed will contribute to anyone’s present or future pleasure. if it will not then do not say or do it. Look at the things from the other individual point of view and think in terms of latter’s interest. Don’t go by likes and dislike of yours, but seek for the pleasure for others. Study the person,  understand that individual and then do the right things that would certainly and surely contribute to his or her pleasure and happiness.Seek pleasure  in finding pleasure for others.Seek pleasure and make your life as well as other’s life joyful, fruitful and happy as always.


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