Government Senior Secondary School Kakira, well known as GSSS Kakira is the biggest school of the Area. It is a Model school of Himachal Pradesh. The school is a State Government School and runs for classes from 1 to 12. The students study here under HP Board of School Education Dharamshala. It has produced many gems of the Place. It is a school where almost all the yester year people of Bakloh have studied and made their future.
The school was established in the year 1937. One of the oldest building of Kakira and Bakloh is of the school. It has separate buildings for Primary and secondary section. the secondary section has its own administration while the primary section has its separate one. The GSSS is headed by Principal, and has almost 20 teachers teaching the students. The students of classes 11th and 12th have the option to study in Science , Commerce as well as Humanities stream. The medium of study is Hindi as the curriculum is that of Himachal Pradesh. It has about 10 employees working as non Teaching staff which includes clerical staff and miscellaneous staff. The school has a big playground where almost all games can be played. A separate well furnished Basket ball Ground is the big point of this school. The youth of Kakira spends almost all evenings at this place playing one or the other games here.
Contact Address: GSSS Kakira,
PO- Kakira, Distt; Chamba, Himachal Pradesh 176313.
Ph. No.- 1899257226
Mail Id-
Kendriya Vidyalaya Bakloh is an English medium CBSE affiliated school of Bakloh. Beautiful and big building of the KV is located at a picturesque location of Bakloh. This school is administered by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan under Ministry of Education, Govt. of India. It was established in the year 1982, and was shifted from army barracks to its own new building on the year 2014.
Many of the Baklohites who are serving the nation in many big and smaller posts have studied here in this school. It is a school with classes 1 to 12 . The students of 11th and 12th have the option to choose Science or the Commerce stream. The school is headed by Principal and has a staff of 27 teachers and 7 non teaching staff.
Contact Address:- Kendriya Vidyalaya Bakloh Cantt.,
PO- Bakloh, Distt- Chamba, H.P. 176301
Ph. No. –01899-257249
Mail id-
Cantonment Board High School Bakloh is another school of Bakloh imparting education to the Bakloh students.Iit is a school which has separate buildings for primary and Secondary Sections. The High school is headed by the Head master. Though being governed by cantonment , this school is affiliated to Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education Dharamshala.
The school has played an important role in imparting free and fair education to the pupils of Bakloh and nearby villages. It is comparatively a small school, but has never compromised with the quality of education.
Contact Address: Cantt. Board High School Bakloh ,
PO:- Bakloh, Distt;- Chamba, Himachal Pradesh 176301.
Ph. No. -9418574906
There are many smaller schools namely-
1. Dhauladhar Army Pre-Primary School Bakloh Cantt.
2. Government Girls School, Kakira,
3. Government Senior Secondary School Ghatasani
4. Government High School Kumlari
5. Sandeepani School Kakira
All schools are imparting quality education to the students of Bakloh and developing their future for a better tomorrow. Bakloh has so many schools in it, then also many of the parents have admitted their children to the premium private schools of Dalhousie. Some have opted for Himalayan Public School Chowari and some have admitted their children to Sai Public School Nanikhad, with the aim to provide competition amongst their children and make their future better then the present.